Land Promotion
9,828 sq. m. | 2.4 ac | 1 ha
Type: Brownfield
Local Authority:
Date Time
Use Class
Loss of Employment
Settlement Boundary
Previous development under Class Q
Agricultural Use on of before 30th March
Most recent use agricultural
Scheduled monument
Existing agricultural tenancy
Tenancy terminated in last 12 months
Class A or Class B
This property and land used to be a pig farm and a poultry farm at various stages of its history. When the owner bought it in the 1980's it was I believe classed as Brownfield. There are numerous outbuildings on the site. A few years back it seems that the local Council incorporated the whole area into greenbelt? Not sure if this is including property land as designated by the history of the property or just the general area (but not individual properties). The area of outbuildings is more than that of 3 bungalow's in total. Would this construe as permitted development rights and classed as limited infilling. Replacing outbuildings with 3 bungalows shouldn't affect the openness of the site any more than what is already there. That's my reading of the NPPF but you may know better? Advice would be good. Kind regards, James