In recent years, the response of the planning system has been to understand and recognise the unsuitability of new estates today that were once designed for the reliance on the car.
Cars were accommodated with wider and more roads, larger parking areas and newly built areas which required residents to use a car to obtain almost any service. Single-use areas and out of town shopping parks slowly started to replace town centres. However, it has now been brought to light how unsustainable this is, as many local authorities are trying to increase sustainability. Here are a few of the many reasons as to why mixed-use developments are more sustainable and some of the benefits they provide.

Easier to travel without car
As the world we live in is becoming more fluid, policies are being developed to mix uses back together to allow residents to meet their needs without necessarily having to rely on using the car. For example, one of the main benefits of mixed-use development, especially in more rural areas, is the ease of access to more city-like opportunities close by, such as the chance to work, shop, enjoy leisure and other amenities all in one.
Sense of community
The way that infrastructure is designed for mixed-use developments can foster a sense of community. Having people live and work in shared spaces encourages social interaction amongst groups of people. This is all considered during the design and creation of mixed-use developments, from parks and other social spaces, even to the way the pavements and roads are set out.

Healthy and happier communities
As the car is required less in a mixed-use development, there is a greater chance of people walking or cycling, ultimately helping people keep healthier and happier. Frequent and regular social interactions created as a result of the infrastructure from such developments can reduce loneliness and also make people feel happier. Additionally, being in close proximity to healthcare facilities such as hospitals and doctor surgeries is a great benefit for those living in mixed-use developments.
Boosts local economies
Companies with offices or businesses in mixed-use developments can be a huge boost to the local economy. Not only are jobs provided for residents, but workers spend money within on facilities in the area. This way, there is a benefits to both the providing area and the business.