Land Promotion
2,972 sq. m. | 0.7 ac | 0.3 ha
Type: Brownfield
Local Authority:
1/9/2023, 10:46 AM
Use Class
Loss of Employment
Settlement Boundary
Open Countryside
Previous development under Class Q
Agricultural Use on of before 30th March
Most recent use agricultural
Scheduled monument
Existing agricultural tenancy
Tenancy terminated in last 12 months
Class A or Class B
It a 0.75 acre site, that used to be part of an old RAF station, it's brownfield as it has a large Nissen Hut in the middle with some ancillary buildings attached, solid concreate pad floors and proper brick build gutters/drainage with brick manholes. Electricity & water used to be connected to the buildings with were used as the living quarters of the women's aux air force (WAAF) during WW2 and the site functioned as a MOD site well into the 1960's - after that its been used as a light industrial workshop & storage...the site has been left derelict since approx. mid 00's. It sits next to 3 other houses & farmland and is on the side of the A141 just below Warboys village near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire.