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Permitted Development

0 sq. m.  |  0 ac  |  0 ha

Listed: No

Local Authority: 

South Kesteven

Date Time

Use Class

Yes or No

Loss of Employment


Settlement Boundary

Previous development under Class Q



Agricultural Use on of before 30th March


Most recent use agricultural


Scheduled monument


Existing agricultural tenancy


Tenancy terminated in last 12 months


Class A or Class B




Barn is steel framed and roofed. 5 sections, first two are a block and steel walled stable block ( 50/50 to roof height) with concrete floor, water and electrics...transparent panels in walls and roof provide additional light......all fully enclosed. Other three sections are open and currently serve as a hay store, same framed construction but no walls or concrete floor ( I was planning to replicate the build to create a more sheltered storage area). Vehicle access is via existing farm roadway ( we have legal right of way) with further access across our farmland if required. Barn is 75 ft x 27’4” and approx 13 feet high to gutter line with a further 4 + feet to ridge. Each section has a steel framed truss on vertical girders. The sections are 15ft by 27’ 4” thus lending themselves to naturally split up the existing space in to living and sleeting areas. Barn is not overlooked with nearest neighbours being 50 plus metres away. Barn is situated in a 5.5 acre grass paddock the has been used for equestrian, meadow land and more recently for sheep....we own all of this land. They are two entrances to the land, the gated access through the barn from the farm road/track ( land only no farm) and a second gate onto Fenton road ( currently exists within the hedge but still intact.

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