Land Promotion
21,148 sq. m. | 5.2 ac | 2.1 ha
Type: Greenfield
Local Authority:
Date Time
Use Class
Loss of Employment
Settlement Boundary
Don't Know
Previous development under Class Q
Agricultural Use on of before 30th March
Most recent use agricultural
Scheduled monument
Existing agricultural tenancy
Tenancy terminated in last 12 months
Class A or Class B
hi, there also was a chapel on the land & This was originally the site of the Baptist Chapel erected by a local coal master in 1844. The Chapel is shown on the earliest OS Map from 1875. It is not known when it fell into disuse. A photograph from c 1900 shows the building to be in good condition, however the 1946 OS Map shows the building marked with a cross and it is understood that by 1950 it was a ruined shell.